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Mammoth Expert Itinerary

Eagle Lodge, The Summit, The Outpost, Cloud Nine
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From Eagle Lodge – Lincoln Mountain – High Five & Face Lift – Chair 23 & The Backside – The Outpost – Cloud Nine - Return to Eagle Lodge

1. 8:30 AM – Eagle Lodge and the Well Protected Lincoln Mountain

EAGLE LODGE is the perfect home base, for experts as well as groups of varied skill. The terrain off of Cloud Nine provides some of the best turns on a powder day, but tends to open later in the day...don't worry, we will be back...

For now, head up Eagle Express and cruise through the Sunshine Glades to enjoy some rays on this Eastern facing portion of the slopes. Lap this chair until you feel ready to head towards some more serious terrain. Then, head up Eagle Express again and take a quick warm up down Manzanita to reach Chair 25.


If it is a powder day, make sure to hit Shaft while over here for steep tree skiing and some fun jumps. From the top of Chair 25, traverse into Grizzly and keep left at the bottom until you hit Chair 22. U-turn when you get off to ski Shaft directly under the chair. Make a lap or two here, and from the base of Chair 22, continue down Cloverleaf to the bottom of the Canyon Express.

Fresh tracks in the Cliff Bands

2. 10 - 11:30 AM – High 5 Express & Face Lift/Chair 3 – to Some of the Steepest Terrain at Mammoth

A) From the top of Canyon Express, take Easy Rider which will connect you with the High Five Express Chair. The peaks accessed via Chairs 3 & 5 offer half a dozen expert runs to choose from. Spend some time exploring the gullies of Triangle and Dry Creek.

B) When your legs are ready for a quick break, drop down towards McCoy Station and hop on the Upper Panorama Gondola. From the Summit you will have your choice of challenging terrain. Head down the ridge on Road Runner until you pick your line down the face. Underneath the Gondola, you will find the steep, open bowl known as Climax. On a powder day this section offers some incredible turns, especially the section beneath the Cliff Bands (between double diamonds, Climax and Huevos Grandes).

Continue heading down beneath the Gondola until you reach Face Lift Express (Chair 3). From the top, take Saddle Bowl to World Cup, which will lead you to Chair 23. Now, get ready for some of the steepest terrain on the entire mountain.

3. 11:30 AM - 1PM – Exploring Mammoth Classics off of Chair 23 and the Backside - Hope for a wind buff and don't miss the Hemlocks

A) Now, time for a Mammoth mountain classic, Cornice Bowl. Enter the wide open bowl and head left towards St. Anton, leading back to Chair 23. For more of a challenge, double diamonds, Wipeout and Dropout Chutes are located on either side of the chair and offer long, consistently steep lines back to the bottom. Due to its high altitude and north facing Summit, the face of Chair 23 can attract a wind buff. When the winds are blowing hard, the whole face gets coated with snow, a phenomena somewhat unique to Mammoth. Head back up Chair 23, but this time follow Road Runner to Rigley's Bowl.

B) Explore the Outpost Glades under Chair 14 a couple of times before heading for the real gem of the backside, The Hemlocks. While getting to The Hemlocks requires a quarter mile hike, it is well worth it (if the snow is good that is). To access The Hemlocks head left off of Chair 14, down Road Runner and Santiago. Follow the signs, though the key is just keep left until you reach the bootpack around the second half of Santiago Bowl. From the top, you will find tons of different lines, ranging form tree gulleys to cliff drops. Pick your line and keep you speed up towards the bottom to reach The Outpost.


The Outpost Glades

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4. 1 PM – Lunch at The Outpost (see our mountain guide for more on lunch options)

Rest your legs and enjoy a gourmet grilled cheese on the patio overlooking The Hemlocks.

5a (Option 1). 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM – The Summit and Finishing with Fresh Powder in Cloud Nine

*We like this option for those who have parked/made Eagle Lodge home base

After lunch head back up Chair 14 and drop back into the front side of the mountain via open bowl, Scotty's. From here, link into the winding groomer, St. Anton, and make your way all the way down to the MAIN LODGE BASE AREA. Hop on the Panorama Gondola and take it to the SUMMIT.


Time to hit the Cloud Nine Express Chair. To do this, take Dave's Run to Gold Hill to Slot. As noted, Cloud Nine tends to open later, but it also holds snow longer than the rest of the mountain. We find it to be the perfect place to finish on a powder day. Choose to meander through the glades underneath the chair or traverse right through Dragon's Back and Wazoo. Getting to Wazoo requires a difficult traverse, but can be very rewarding when the snow is good.

Riding Chair 23

5b (Option 2). 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM – More Steeps & Deeps off of The Summit and Backside

*This is a fun alternative for the afternoon if you are parked at Main Lodge or Mill Station or want to catch a bus back down to Eagle or Canyon Lodge


See above for directions to the Panoramic Gondola from The OutpostTake the Gondola to the SUMMIT and head down Upper Road Runner with your eyes peeled for the opening in the ropes. That opening is the access gate to Hangman’s Hollow. It’ll be on your right. Hangman’s Hollow spits out into Cornice Bowl. At the bottom of Cornice, turn left onto St. Anton or Gremlin’s Gulch to Chair 23. Ride Chair 23


Go right when you get off. Follow Skyline down the ridge, carry some speed for the traverse on the ridge above the Paranoid Flats. The Paranoid Flats are long, steep chutes. Follow the ridge to the furthest chute, P4. P4 lets out into St. Anton, which winds its way back to MAIN LODGE


You can repeat this lap with variations. Instead of Hangman’s, drop into Climax, but bear left at the bottom to catch St. Anton’s to Chair 23. Instead of going right when you get off 23, go left and ski Dropout Chutes, which will end up at St. Anton’s and then it’s back to the MAIN LODGE. It’s a leg burner, but you can relax and refuel on the ride up the gondola.

6. 3:30 PM – Return to Eagle Lodge Base Area (from Cloud Nine, Step 5a)

By now, your legs are probably starting to give out. Take one more run through the glades of Chair Nine but this time stay left towards Pumpkin. This mellow groomer will lead you back to the EAGLE LODGE BASE AREA.

Dump your ski boots and make your way to the Village for après


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